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Owen's Transport Tycoon Station
Owen's Transport Tycoon Station
   The Game
   Where To Get It
   About The Site
   Contact Me
 Game Setup Guide
   What You Need
   Installing OpenTTD
 Rail Building
   3-Way Junctions
   4-Way Junctions
   Check Points
 Rail Junctions
   Basic Junctions
   Double-cross Junctions
   Crossover Junctions
   Station Configuration
   Complex Junctions
   Realistic Track Configs
 Other Tips
   Vehicle Usage
   Vehicle List
   Saved Games
   Saved Game Manager
   TTDX Editor
 Other Resources
   The TT Forums
   The Repository
   TT Semi-FAQ
   Locomotion Depot

Contact Me

You can contact the author of this site, Owen Rudge, in the following ways:

E-mail: owen [at] owenrudge [dot] net
Skype: orudge

I do have ICQ, AIM and Yahoo Messenger accounts too, but I've not logged into them in a long time, so if you happen to still have those details, you'd be better off trying to contact me via another method.

You can also get in touch with me by leaving a message in the guestbook, on The Transport Tycoon Forums (my username is orudge), on IRC (OFTC, channel #tycoon) or by filling in the form below. Please note that I am very busy at the moment so you may not receive an immediate reply.

Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:
Your Message:

If you are contacting me to ask how to play TTD on Windows XP, Vista or 7, please read the Where To Get It page, which includes a brief guide to getting the game to run on these operating systems. It is very likely that I will not reply to e-mails asking common questions such as this.

Rudge HQ

Copyright © Owen Rudge 1999-2024. All Rights Reserved. Portions copyright © Adam Trevorrow 2001-2002.
Transport Tycoon is a trademark of 31x Ltd. Transport Tycoon graphics: copyright © 31x Ltd. 1994-2013.